
Monday, March 28, 2011

Meet me on Monday... again

Another addition to Meet me on Monday. I'm starting to write more but the words aren't just flowing from my fingers. Any suggestions? I know Memes are getting tiresome but the world can only have so much drama.

 Anywhoo... here are some questions from this weeks MMOM. 

1.  Crunchy or soft tacos?

Soft Tacos completely. I love them. The hard ones usually fall apart to just crumble into a mess. Who wants to eat a taco with a fork??

2.  Do you scrapbook?

I use to scrapbook all the time. It became really expensive after a while but I still have a lot of my supplies. The main thing that I definitely need to get done is my son's baby book. By the way, he's turning 5 in May. Yey for procrastinators! 

3.  Do you take any daily medications?

I use to take happy pills until they made me want to jump out of a 10 story window. I really don't understand the concept of anti-depressant pills having warnings with possible suicidal thoughts. So I tossed them out a window. 

4.  What is your favorite sound?

5.  Where were you born?

In this general vicinity. Amish country. Gotta love it. 


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